Floodlight, 2021
Hot sculpted glass, watercolor, wood, copper
60 x 52 x 50 in
Photo: Loam
“I use glass to explore the ineffable feelings that arise as I interact with the world. It portrays an invisible realm of emotional response. It’s ambiguity allows the singular and the entirety to shift in and out of balance.
Sometimes I feel I merge with my surroundings or other beings or even with objects. At other times I diverge and see my surroundings as separate. Sometimes I am overtaken by my surroundings. Often, I do the overtaking.
What imprint do I make just by being in a shared space?
Where does that space end?
Where do I begin, and where do I end?
These questions come to mind with every encounter.” — Jennifer Bueno
Detail: Floodlight, 2021
Bearing Fruit, 2023
Watercolor, hot sculpted glass and wood<22" x 1" x 25"
Photo: Loam
Detail: Bearing Fruit, 2023
Emergence at Feeding Time, 2022
Blown and hot sculpted glass, copper, watercolor, wood
38in x 47 in x 4 in
Still, Divine, Depth, 2021
Hot sculpted glass, copper wire, wood, watercolor
56 x 50 x 7 in
Photo: Loam
Detail: Still, Divine, Depth, 2021
Detail: Swimming Pool, 2022
Swimming Pool, 2022
Blown and hot sculpted glass, watercolor, wood, 33in x 51in x 7in.
Photo: Loam
Call and Response
Appalachian Center for Craft
February 25 - April 25, 2022